Monday, December 7, 2009


The title has no real relevance to the post. I was just in a good enough mood to enjoy some wordplay. Today was the day I got into my first bookstore. Oh what an experience it was! I’ve been working towards this for a very long time. I can honestly say years.

This morning I made sure to get out of bed at the proper hour, dress warmly, then make the lengthy trip. Everything went swimmingly, except for the cursed Christmas music persisting over the radio. You could imagine how torturous it was for me, seeing as I was actually happy when Miley Cyrus took over.

Besides the crappy music, I entered a modest little place called Solstice Books in good spirits, and put my books on the front counter. The man knew who I was instantly, and offered his hand with a cheery smile. I had only communicated with him through E-mail, so this was a welcome change for us both. The interaction forced me to smile to myself, seeing the surprise in his eyes as he finally became aware of my young age. After some simple paper word, I shook his hand again and exited the building with a newly inspired confidence. Taking that confidence, I decided I wasn’t stopping there for today.

I returned to my vehicle and picked up an extra copy of each book, marching onward to a slightly larger bookstore. I had E-mailed this particular place about taking my book already, but hadn’t gotten a response after a three-week wait. As a very intelligent woman once said to me, it is hard to refuse someone to their face. Once inside, I asked around until I found the owner. I was surprised to find out she knew exactly who I was, and honestly hadn’t deleted my E-mail. She just had a great many things on her plate at the moment. Wouldn’t you know it, she was happy that I had showed up. Me coming in personally saved her much work on the computer. She offered potential ideas for sales, I chose one that suited me, and the two of us signed the paper word. I handed over the two books I held, browsed the store, then left with a ‘thank you’.

After picking up some more paper and grabbing something I think may just word for new cover material, I headed home. It was a very productive day, and I can’t deny some level of pride. I managed to signed agreements with two bookstores in a single day. Even if none of the books sell, I’ll still be content.

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